Forerunner June 2011
As the next Rector of The Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist, I have been told I have Big Shoes to fill. Well, don't we all. You have the shoes of your ancestors and I have those of Canon Nelson Pinder, et al. Let me tell you where the shoe filling begins, Jesus leaves us with the commands to love one another and that by our love, one toward another, others will know we have been called as disciples. So our first order of business is to love one another. That is where the Holy Spirit says I should begin.
Our lives consist wholly of new beginnings, and yes, they are endings also. Whether it is an ending or beginning is the same argument as the half-empty or a half-filled cup. Since I am an optimist, I will go with half-full and new beginnings until proven wrong. Optimism is a big word in a negative world, I can only relate my optimism to beginnings because there usually nothing I can do with the past. The future is full of my dreams yet to be fulfilled, full of my hopes unrealized and full of fears that have yet to arrive. We have an opportunity to march forward only looking back to know where we have come from, and reaching into our potential, creating a synergy that can only be hindered by our doubts and faithless-ness. Faith is the substance of our hopes and the evidence of our dreams.
We have nothing greater to prove the possibilities to others than our faith and it is our faith that allows them to see our dreams. Dream with me people of St. John's; our church becoming a community church. Our goals of feeding the hungry, clothing some, housing others and treating the prisoners at release with the human rights and dignity afforded them only by God become a reality. Dream about our church becoming a light on a hill and safety zone for the abused, a haven for those for whom their hearts have been battered and torn by life. We can make a difference and with God's help we will do so.
If this does not sound like a new beginning then tell me what you don't believe and not what God won't do. Don't get me wrong I am not saying you have not been doing these things, it's just that I am coming to join you. During our Moments of Faith in worship you will be able to share with me and others what is on your heart and the hope that lies so deeply within you.
Don't look back, don't give up, don't bend nor bow, just give our realities a moment to catch up with our dreams. Now does this look like a new beginning or what?
Peace and love,
Fa. Meadows