35By this time it was late in the day, so his disciples came to him. "This is a remote place," they said, "and it's already very late. 36Send the people away so they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat."
37But he answered, "You give them something to eat."
The crowd is swelling, you are tired, the one you trust to help you says, “You. Give them something to eat.” As the crowd says at the basketball game when the foul is committed, “You, You, You, You!!!” Go ahead say it! “It’s always me!” We could rant and rave, but you know what we do, we go and do it. But catch this, the disciples don’t bring back twelve baskets plus, they go find (as the other disciples tells the whole story) a boy with a small lunch. Were they kidding! It’s a big day in the ministry, they are asked to go get the food and come with a two piece and a biscuit. I have one word to say “Passive Aggressive.” I know it is two words but that is how I feel sometimes. I just don’t want to go and get another thing for another poor unable soul. I just want to lay my head down and rest. Agree?
The jobs are mundane, the hoops are fiery and many. Each day we are asked to die and give of ourselves. Jesus even said we must loose ourselves to gain. That is where I kick into another gear. I think of the goodness of Jesus and all he has done for me…Hallelujah. I must tell you there has to be a balance. During my time spent at Sentara School of Clinical Pastoral Education I was taught about self-care. You must have the balance between when to do and not do. Jesus was not mad at them for the small lunch, he just multiplied there misjudgment. He covered their mistake by breaking the bread and dividing the fish. He knew they were tired and did not have the resources to do the job. Yahweh knows you don’t have the tools and so you are given this wonderful gift of the undying Spirit to direct you and help you balance this daunting and sometimes impossible task called life.
Can I help you as I have helped myself? Go get the two fish and five loaves, bring them back offer them with a smile. Inside your head ask God to make up for the lack, short-fall, exhaustion, impossibilities, doubts, fears, illnesses and inability. When you have this feeling that the needs are greater than what you have to work with, trust God. Take time lie down until morning and wake up with a fresh anointing and new perspective to the problem. You may look lazy to others but you will feel invigorated and ready for the next impossibility. What are you having for lunch?