Richard & Linda Mose Meadows

Richard & Linda Mose Meadows
Pastor, Pastoral Counselor and Chaplain

It's the Economy, Stupid! Or is it?

"Read the chart below and tell me what you see" the eye doctor would say. How many of you feel stupid when it comes to economic issues? I do and I am a pretty smart fellow. With bail-outs, derivatives, toxic assets, upside-down mortgages, mortgage crisis, The Dow (ooooo I'm scared), POTUS news conferences and poor folk everywhere you could go crazy.

I told Linda that the 10,000 Dow was coming; I just thought that it was adjusting itself back to pre-Bush years. The rich go richer and the poor, well, they remained poor. But, what is poor. Truly it must be a state of mind.My 401(b), they took more than they gave me and that has been happening all my life so I did not panic. I plan to retire to Haiti where my Social Security will go farther. It has some really nice landscape.

This economy is out of whack and folks are doing what is important to them. They are focusing on straitening it out. We are neglecting the real work we have been put here to do. Do something for someone else and I can guarantee you that you will feel better. Go to the bottom of the chart and look for someone you know and give them a smile, a hug or even a dollar. You will feel better.

S&P 500
Courtney Dion Meadows Born 5/9/1983 - Heaven Date 5/2/2005 "My Friend Lives" I desired Peace in the Process and I arrived at Justice. I pray for his shooter...May God give him peace.

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