Mark7: 27"First let the children eat all they want," he told her, "for it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs." 28"Yes, Lord," she replied, "but even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs.
"My old pastor used to say that she fell down before him and worshipped. Her words “Yes, Lord” opened the door for the deliverance of her daughter. He would say she was “smart too.”
In my daily observations I find everything is big. Crumbs are a thing of the past. What is rare in today’s culture is persons possessing the characteristic of humility and the ability to extend grace to others. For someone to admit they exist on meager fair and sustenance is almost unheard of. The times we live in are filled with prideful people who lack humility.
I have a minister friend whose husband died this past week. She is the type who falls down before the Lord, worship and declares she will eat whatever falls from the table so that others can live. She shares her heart with the world through her gift of prayer and always; and I mean is always willing to sacrifice for others. She stands tall among people through her job with the city and her ministry.
I for her know this week is one of those fall down and “worship” weeks.
When my son died four years ago yesterday I could only fall before the Lord and ask for crumbs. My soul was destitute and I could find no relief for it. The pain was unbearable and my missing him has not ceased the pain is only what I can describe as different. I thank God for the crumbs or the years he was here. I find his death disappointing because the world will not get a chance to see what a great guy he was. I am sad for all those who will never experience the joy he would instantly bring to the lives of others. He was a giver and his life reflected it.
My minister friend and her husband are the same types as my son and her husband’s life was filled with giving. Her experiences this week will only prove she is a worshipper who is willing to settle for the crumbs of mercy. I know her, her smiles and hugs toward others will bless all those who come before her sad about the death of her husband. Just before he died I prayed with her on the phone and after the brief moments we spoke I felt as though I was praying for myself more than her.
What is my point this day? It is that sometimes those who eat crumbs are able to in turn invite others to the table or the feast of grace. Be willing to share your life even when it seems you are depleted because there is a blessing that awaits you and others. The Lord sees your distress and for you undeniable grace will fall from the table of the master. You will gather the crumbs and turn them into a meal for others.
29Then he told her, "For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter."
30She went home and found her child lying on the bed and the demon gone.