Richard & Linda Mose Meadows

Richard & Linda Mose Meadows
Pastor, Pastoral Counselor and Chaplain

Bio & CV

Father Richard D. Meadows, Jr.
CV Below

Father Meadows has a tremendous passion for God's Word coupled with a love for God's people. He has a contagious spirit of generosity that overflows throughout every facet of his ministry. Richard was born in Buffalo, NY and educated in Buffalo public schools. Graduating with honors from Riverside High School, he continued his education in Business attending Hampton (Institute) University and majoring in Mortuary Science at Simmons School in Syracuse NY.  "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." has been the theme for his ministry. His experiences and calling began in the 21 years he spent in St. Phillip’s Episcopal Church learning the art of loving people from Father Kenneth Curry.

He began his career in funeral service working in a family business Meadows Bros. Funeral Home started by his grandfather in 1936. He eventually began and operated his own funeral home in 1988. Called to ministry in 1983 in Buffalo and trained in church administration working for the Second Jurisdiction WNY. He served the COGIC Diocesan Bishop as Provisional Secretary. He was ordained an Elder in the Church of God in Christ in 1987, as an Associate Minister he was a Missionary to Haiti, working in missions in Port-Au-Prince, Desabbles, Carfu and St. Michel, helping in Medical, Educational and preaching projects.

In 2000 he closed his business and moved to Virginia to begin a full time career in ministry. Serving as Associate Minister of Missions and Ministry Development at the Historic Queen Street Baptist Church in Norfolk VA. He led teams back to Haiti, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa, before taking the position of Pastor of Herbert Baptist Church for four years on Virginia's Eastern Shore.

He studied completing his Master of Divinity, Virginia Union University, and completed post-graduate, five units of Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE) at Sentara Norfolk General and served on the prestigious Professional Advisory Committee with Dr. Russell H. Davis. He completed two years post grad of counseling education at Tidewater Pastoral Counseling and completed the Graduate Certificate in Anglican Studies at Virginia Theological Seminary. Served St. Martin's Episcopal in Williamsburg VA as Assistant, St. John's in Orlando FL, and St. Luke's New Haven CT as Rector.

Richard worked as a Pastoral Counselor (AAPC Trained) specializing in Grief Therapy working with victims of homicide and adjustment disorders. He is the husband of Linda Mose Meadows Author of the Blessedness of Believing: A devotional jouney of life's lessons and God's promises.

He has six children, Torrie, Courtney (1981-2005+), Michael (Morgan State), Mary (NC A&T), Taylor (Guilford) and Jaycina (Virginia State) and three grandchildren. 

He loves kite flying, the beach, theatre and the arts. He sang with the Hampton Institute Concert Choir performing in Carnegie Hall under Dr. Roland Carter, St. John the Divine NYC with the Mercer Ellington Orchestra, the Grammy nominated Var-Son Community Choir performing on three live recordings, G0spel Music Workshop of America Washington DC recording, and performed with the King's Troupe Theater Company.  He produced the theatrical production of Having Our Say: The Delany Sister’s First One Hundred Years, at the Attucks Theatre and Cultural Center in Norfolk VA, directed by Artisia Green-Dallas.

Curriculum Vitae

Richard D. Meadows, Jr., M.Div.

185 Osborn Ave. New Haven CT 06511



Virginia Theological Seminary

Virginia Union University, Master of Divinity

The Sentara School of Clinical Pastoral Education ACPE

Tidewater Pastoral Counseling Service AAPC

Hampton University, Hampton VA

Simmons School of Mortuary Science, Syracuse NY

Ecclesiastical Status and Endorsement

Episcopal Church USA 2010

Ordained Queen Street Baptist Church American Baptist Church 2003

Ordained Minister Church of God in Christ 1987

Facilitator/Teaching Experience:

August Wilson and African American Culture, Chaplaincy Didactic, Norfolk, VA 2011

Grief Workshop Retreat for victims of homicide at

 Chautauqua Institution & Richmond VA

Medical Instructor, Virginia School of Practical Nursing, Biology and Pathology

Facilitator 4th Annual Palliative Care Conference: Developing Excellence in Palliative Care,

The Thomas Johns Cancer Center Annual Palliative Care Conference

CJW Johnston Willis Medical Center Facilitator

Organ Donation: Is it an Option? Richmond VA

University of Virginia Pediatric Core Curriculum

 Grief and Loss Facilitator Pediatric Death Charlottesville VA

Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, The Sentara School of Clinical Pastoral Education

Ministry to Angry Families, Facilitator

Clinical Experience and Training:

LifeNet Health Donor Family Advocate

Critical Incident Stress Management Facilitator

Tidewater Pastoral Counseling Service/Resident and Counselor

Sentara Norfolk General Hospital The Sentara School of Clinical Pastoral Education

Clinical Pastoral Education Intern Five Units /Chaplain

NY State Funeral Director

Pathology Assistant Roswell Park Memorial Institute

Enneagram Training

SNGH Clinical Ethics Committee

 Pastoral Experience:

St. Luke's Episcopal Church, New Haven CT, 17th Rector

Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist, Orlando FL, 4th Rector

St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Williamsburg, VA, Assistant Rector

The Episcopal Church of the Atonement, Washington DC Field Education Site

Pastor Herbert Baptist Church, Wachapreague, VA

Queen Street Baptist Church, Norfolk VA Associate Minister of Missions

and Community Development

Mt. Ararat Baptist Church Buffalo, NY Associate Minister for Missions

New Hope Church of God in Christ, Buffalo NY Associate Minister for Missions

Professional Memberships/Affiliations:

The Sentara School of Clinical Pastoral Education

Professional Advisory Group Norfolk General Hospital

Committee on Multiculturalism and Diversity LifeNet Health

UNOS Donate Life Partnership Richmond VA

Virginia Chaplains

Bereavement Coalition of Central Virginia

Episcopal Diocese of Southern VA

American Baptist Churches of the South

Eastern Shore Maryland Virginia Baptist Association

NYS Licensed Funeral Director

Continuing Education:

Church Divinity School of the Pacific

Living in the Shadow of the Ghosts of Grief, workshop by Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D., Hampton, VA

Anti-Racism and Sexual Harassment Training, Episcopal Diocese of Southern VA, Surry VA

The Prest Lecture, Culture and Faith: Embracing Diversity,

Edwin Nichols, Ph.D., VCU School of Nursing, Richmond VA,

Annual Good Grief Conference Healing Faith: The Dying Process and Beyond,

VCU Department of Education and Professional Development, Richmond VA

Annual Conference American Association of Pastoral Counselors, Norfolk VA

References available upon request

Courtney Dion Meadows Born 5/9/1983 - Heaven Date 5/2/2005 "My Friend Lives" I desired Peace in the Process and I arrived at Justice. I pray for his shooter...May God give him peace.

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